Manbol's plans for the next two years in Dubai

Feb 11, 2021 | Fimanbol

Taking manbol to the world is Fimanbol's main mission. Our actions have been based on strengthening the sport in Brazil, its country of origin and in its South American neighboring countries. Now we are starting a very important cycle in the process of manbol's growth, with an entire biennium of action plans aimed at the United Arab Emirates and other strategic countries around the world.

As a fundamental part of our Dubai Manbol World project, we started the execution of the 2021/2022 biennium action plan with the first trip to the Emirates. For two months we will present the manbol to a select group of sportsmen, physical education professionals and students from schools and universities, in addition to holding meetings with investors and local authorities for negotiations and the establishment of trade partnerships.

One of these official meetings took place at the Brazilian Embassy in Abu Dhabi with the ambassador Fernando Igreja who met manbol and our projects for the Emirates. On the occasion, the Brazilian ambassador undertook to attend to some of the guidelines presented by the creator of the sport, Rui Hildebrando related to connections with other authorities and entities in the Emirates.

Events, competitions, training and growth

Among the goals of Fimanbol's action plan in the Emirates, we highlight the connection agenda with representatives from the seven Emirates, the deployment of the sport in the region through training and demonstrative and commercial events during Expo Dubai and after the world fair. In addition, with the release of the International Certification in Manbol, our course through DLP platform, we will produce and record new classes and the entire audiovisual structure of training in Dubai locations.

It will be two intense years that will propel manbol to the world through one of the most visionary regions on the planet where we are already starting the process of installing Fimanbol's headquarters.

Jaris GV